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Monitoring your Body Composition with a DEXA Scan

DXA  body composition scans  measure lean mass, fat mass, percentage fat and bone mineral content. Results are displayed for the whole body and for individual areas like arms,legs and trunk.


All Body Composition scans using DEXA requires a referral. There are conditions that need to be met for the referral to be valid. The conditions can be found here: 


Scans can no longer be done for the gym market. You need to be medically managed by the referrer to get a scan done.


Scans can be useful in:

  • Muscle weakness or poor physical functioning

  • Limb asymmetry or wasting post-injury or surgery

  • Endocrine imbalances

  • Metabolic syndrome, assessment of visceral adipose tissue (VAT)

  • Weight loss regimens

  • After undergoing Bariatric surgery to assess fat and lean mass changes

  • Assessing for Sarcopenia in older patients

  • Monitoring weight disorders (obesity/metabolic disorders and anorexia)

  • Sports performance (to ensure assessment/monitoring/setting safe targets for optimal health/performance in regards to correct fat/muscle ratio for your specific sport). ( Need a referral from a sports medicine doctor)



What is VAT?

We can also specifically measure visceral adipose tissue (VAT). This is the fat within the abdominal cavity. It is commonly known as “bad fat” as it surrounds internal organs such as the stomach, liver and intestines.

Visceral fat is associated with several health problems including Type 2-diabetes, heart disease, colon cancer and stroke.


Our body composition scans provide the following:

  • A color mapped image of the whole body showing fat,muscle and bone

  • Percentage fat within the whole body and regional areas

  • Lean muscle mass within the whole body and regional areas.

  • Android/gynoid fat ratios

  • Visceral fat

  • Basal Metabolic Rate

  • Relative Skeletal Muscle Index (gives indication of sarcopenia risk)

  • Bone mineral Density of the whole body (indication of osteoporosis risk)

  • We can be track your results over time to ensure you are achieving your health goals.


A referral is required from either your Medical Practitioner, Accredited Practicing Dietitian, Sports and Exercise Physician, Physiotherapist, Accredited Exercise Physiologist (ESSA) or sports medicine doctor to have a body composition scan.

Preparation for your Body Composition Scan

Morning Appointment: The day before your scan


Do NOT exercise the day before (preferably) and on the day of the scan.

  • You may resume exercise after the scan. (Excessive training session prior to the day the scan and on the day of the scan, can deplete muscle glycogen and lower the actual muscle mass)

  •  Eat and drink as per normal, the day before the scan.

  • Day before – maintain adequate hydration. 1 – 2 glasses of water with each meal and snack. (NO fluids on the morning of the scan)

Fasting overnight – a minimum of 12 hours.

  •  No chewing gum or smoking prior to scan

  •  Ensure adequate carbohydrate intake the day before your scan. (A recent low carbohydrate intake can increase the risk of depleted muscle glycogen store which can make the measured muscle mass lower than what it actually is)


Afternoon Appointment: The day before your scan


Do NOT exercise the day before (preferably) and on the day of the scan.

  • You may resume exercise after the scan. (Excessive training session prior to the day the scan and on the day of the scan, can deplete muscle glycogen and lower the actual muscle mass)

  •  Eat and drink as per normal, the day before the scan.

Fast for a minimum of 4 hours (NO Food or Drink)

  •  Avoid beverages with caffeine or other stimulants on the morning of your scan

  •  Prior to fasting – maintain adequate hydration. 1 – 2 glasses of water with each meal and snack.

  •  No chewing gum or smoking prior to scan

  •  Ensure adequate carbohydrate intake the day before and the morning of your scan. (A recent low carbohydrate intake can increase the risk of depleted muscle glycogen store which can make the measured muscle mass lower than what it actually is)


Day of your scan

  •  Wear comfortable loose clothing. Preferably with NO metal zippers, buttons, metal hooks/clips/wires or compression sports clothing.

  •  Remove ALL jewellery including  body piercings (if possible).

  •  Remember to FAST prior to your scan. NO food or fluids.

  •  You will have an opportunity to ask questions before we begin.

  •  Whole body scan takes about 5 – 7minutes while lying flat and still on the scanning bed.

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Opening hours

Mon - Fri: 7am - 10pm



Opening Hours


9am - 5pm
9am - 5pm
9am - 5pm

By Appointment Only 

Contact Us

We will be in touch shortly!

Ground Floor, 1/124-126 Camberwell Road

Hawthorn East, VIC Australia 3123

We follow strict infection control practices in accordance with the Victorian Department of Health guidelines.

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© 2023 Bone and Body Healthscan Pty Ltd

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